Tug Pops, Tug Lady Theo,
Tug Atlantic Raider, Tug Capt Hardhead

August 2009

Dredge Texas is on ship "Talisman" coming from Great Lakes Dredge & Dock job in Africa. Anchored in St. Simons Sound and being offloaded and towed to begin job in Jacksonville, FL.

Time 00:00
Tug Lady Theo & Tug Pops removing cables to 750' rafts of Dredge pipe.
Time 02:25
Tug Pops backed raft off ship preparing to tow away.
Time 03:34
Tug Atlantic Raider comes in to hold up Tug Pops into current.
Time 04:39
Shot of Lady Theo backing raft up river.
Time 05:20
Atlantic Raider maneuvering to assist.
Time 06:30
Pops putting towline out to pipe raft.
Time 05:20
Pops towing pipe.
Time 05:20
Capt. Hardhead putting assist line up as Tug Pops tows pipe outbound St. Simons Sound.